Free PMI-ACP Exam Practice Questions Simulator

As you start preparing for the PMI-ACP exam you need to be taking as many simulated exams as possible. When I was personally preparing for PMI-ACP I gathered a list of questions and answers to prepare me.

This list was the basis for this practice exam I have created. It is hosted on Google forms which you can access directly here 120 Question free Quiz has been created on Google Forms.

All I ask in return is to share this page with others on social media so we can help each other.

PMI-ACP Question Bank

Taking Plenty of PMI-ACP Practice Exams is a must. You can’t possibly take too many practice exams before the PMP exam. I recommend trying to simulate the exam day experience by putting 3 hours aside to take the exam. To get the most out of the exams do the following:

  1. Write down all answers on notebook
  2. Mark the exam and document the score
  3. Review all incorrect questions
  4. Do not attempt the exam again till close to the exam

Here is a list of the exams I found the most challenging:

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PMI-ACP Exam Prep for PMP Holders

  1. PMPs are required to accumulate a minimum of 60 PDUs for every 3 years to stay certified. Agile training for the PMI-ACP® can be put towards your 60 PDUs.
  2. When PMP and PMI-ACP® qualified you can claim the same PDU for both as long as the PDU is Agile related.
  3. The requirement of 2000 hours to do the PMI-ACP® is not required as you have already verified your project experience.
  4. After going through the PMP® process you are already familiar with the format and understand what it takes to pass a PMI® examination.
  5. 75% of projects were completed using Agile methodologies so more and more companies are using the methodology and would be advantageous in an interview to have.

PMI-ACP Requirements

PMI-ACP Exam Prep FAQs

What is PMI-ACP?

The PMI-ACP® stands for Project Management Institute Agile Certified Practitioner Certification. It was specifically created for project managers who have experience working with Agile project methodologies. 

Percent of Agile vs Traditional Project Management Projects?

The PMI® reported that 75% of projects were completed using Agile vs 56% using the traditional waterfall method. The PMI-ACP® covers Agile Methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Extreme Programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD).

PMI-ACP vs PMP Methodology

The PMP® is more relevant to project managers who work with traditional methodology such as waterfall. The PMP® prepares you to plan, manage and execute a project on a high level. Qualified PMP® project managers have demonstrated their competency in understanding the process and techniques  in the PMBOK®. While Agile methodology is mentioned in the PMBOK the majority of concepts are mentioned in regards to waterfall projects.

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